Lent, 1st Sunday (A) What can we learn from the temptation of Jesus? We can expect that Lent will be challenging. Temptations will be rolling up to your door. You can expect lots of opportunities to choose love and to be faithful to God.

The first two temptations begin, "If you are the son of God..." The devil is after something very specific -- he wants to steal Jesus' identity as Son of God. Will God really provide for you? Will God really protect you? You don't really have to obey your Father.

Our true identity is found in our Father's love for us. Lent is a time for us to say: "My Father will protect me, he will provide for me, and I choose to be an obedient son."

(26 Feb 2023)

Going Deeper: Check out the full-size version of this image at Wikimedia. There are a lot of little details like the devil holding a basket of bread, and his disguise that falls off when he flees. Perhaps meditate on the image and see how it speaks to you, a kind of "visio-divina" (like lectio divina but without the reading part).

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