Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion (B) The people of Jerusalem are rolling out the red carpet for Jesus. By laying down their cloaks, they show their willingness to lay down their lives for Christ. In the Garden of Gethsemane, a young man leaves his linen cloth behind and runs off naked into the night. How many of us willing follow Jesus when Christianity is popular, but as soon as we see the cross coming, we run away into the night? The High Priest tears his garments. The veil in the Temple is torn in two from top to bottom. Joseph of Arimathea buys a linen cloth and clothes Jesus in it. The Passion exposes our true colors, and not only us, but also the whole world. Everything we try to keep for ourselves, we will lose. We can only keep that which we have given to God? Are you willing to lay down your life for the One who laid down his life for you?

(24 Mar 2024)

Going Deeper: Make this a quiet week. Turn off the TV; put down the phone. Pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, do the Stations of the Cross, or read one of the four Passion readings from the Gospels.

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