Easter, 4th Sunday (B) Turkey hunting in the state of Wisconsin opened this week. A turkey hunter is pretty much the opposite of the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd knows us personally and loves us so much that he lays down his life for us.

The Good Shepherd calls his sheep. The first call or "vocation" that every Christian receives is the call of Baptism. I had the privilege of Baptizing a woman in the nursing home last week.

  • Some of the Baptized are called into religious life as monks or nuns; this call is considered a perfection of the call of Baptism.
  • Others are called to married love, to follow the Good Shepherd by laying down their lives for their spouses and children.
  • Others are called to Holy Orders, to be servants of the people as deacons and images of the Good Shepherd as priests.
  • Finally, we live for Jesus through our avocation, that is, our job or career path.

We can be confident that the Good Shepherd who called us will keep walking with us. Listen for his voice and follow him!

(21 Apr 2024)

Going Deeper: Do you see yourself as a gift? What are ways that your vocation(s) can more fully resemble the self-giving love of our Good Shepherd?

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