Ordinary Time, 30th Sunday (A) We should love God and neighbor. But what do we mean by love? Too often the words, "I love you," actually mean, "You make me feel good," or "You look useful to me." Since God is love, we can only really learn true love from God himself.

For God, love is sacrifice. The crucifix is the most perfect image of true love. The Christian faith is powered by the living experience of God's love. Priesthood, fundamentally, is about helping people fall in love with a Person that they cannot see.

We as Christians are meant to incarnate the love of Jesus. When we fall in love with Jesus, and love others as Jesus loves us, then we make the invisible love of God visible to the people around us.

(29 Oct 2023)

Going Deeper: The Latin word for love was so corrupted by pagan sexual practices that Christians had to invent a new word, caritas (charity) to translate the Greek, agape. What words would you use to describe the way God loves us?

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